Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The best concert in my life!

Ready to rock!!!!!!!!!!!

The best, and only, concert i can go was in the 2016 in Santiago, Chile. With my friends, we travel to eight hours to see a Iron Maiden in the Estadio Nacional, but "worth it".

Iron Maiden is a british Heavy metal band, was founded in 1975 for Steve Harris. Actualy, is the most important heavy metal band in the world with more of 90.000.000 discos sellers. In 2016, "La doncella de Hierro" was come to Chile in the tour "The book of Souls" to promote her new disc with the same name.

In the event, we were push away to the front of the stage but this become into a very good experience because we can see the show very good. The big problem was the air. No one can breathe good, and many people fainted.

Of course, we were very exalted and we were jumping and singing for more of the two hours. Even, we were played into the mosh.

At the end, we were go home totally useless.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

People's Republic of China

The Great Wall of China in the night

I would like to travel to China.

The Republic of China is the country with most people in the world, with more of 1.300.000.000 people and one of the economy most great in the world.

I want to go to China because is a oriental country with a one of the oldest civilizations in the world. China is a very technological country and combines this with a ancient cultural tradition. Chinese culture is very rich, with four or five thousand years of history is a wonderful place for meet its calligraphy, architecture, painting and, of course, Chinese people.

I wouldn´t like to study in China. Education is very good, with a high level of teachers and content, but is a very hard educative system with many test to study in the university and honestly, i think not give up in this system. I just want to learn and explore Chinese but not stay to live. The cites are very stressful and work in is very complicated for hours workday. In fact, is a country with more suicide rates in the world.