Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The last post. My experience learning English.

My experience learning English at university is, in general, very bad. In my first year with lessons of English I was alone; don’t have friends and for this reason I was bored in class. I hate the obligation to go to class; I cannot study or take a nap, and the “windows” after the class was horrible. 

About the blogs, I think it is a very good tool to practice English, you can practice writing, reading and know others concepts. But my personal problem is with the themes to writing the blogs. Some themes don’t liked to me, for example: “place to visit” or “my future job” and don’t motivated me to write anything.

One aspect I need practice very much to perfect my English is the listening, because I don’t have the hearing for this language. My plan to practice this aspect is very simple; listen songs in English and with this I spend progress in Listening.

The true is, I don’t use the English in my day to day. Sometimes I use this language to play some video games or reading some papers but is not commonly in my life. Frequently, I need know about one word or concept, but for this cases I use the translate.

In my opinion, learning English today is very necessary to be a good professional, for this reason is a very good idea make some class to practice. The problem is not the language, is the subject, because the subject have boring rules or the teachers are bad (not in my case) but this conditions don’t foment the practice and the people only interested finish the subject. 


  1. Having class without friends should be so boring: /

  2. I believe the same, the problem is the subject :/

  3. I don't understand the listening, never understand nothing :c
