Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Changes in my Faculty

Actually, the curriculum is in a change process, but i considerer this is not enough to build a good curriculum because the true problems is not tackle. The most important problem, to me, is the arrogance of some teachers and this not end with change the subjects, need change the people and the methods to teach. Even so, this is a good advanced and is a good idea while make seriously.
About the workload, i think this is ok. Is true, i sleep very little some weeks but it is my fault for not study on time or leave everything for last minute. In general, i considerer i do not have much workload in the semester. 

But the length of the studies is too much.  

This is a point they can change, in specific, the problem is not the length of the studies, is the organization a long of the semesters. We have the practice and the memory united in the same year and, for this, many people decide to do one of the two options; do a good practice or do a good memory but not doing all in only one year, and for this reason, take one year more to finish the career.

Other necessary change is build more classrooms, every year more students come to FACSO and the actually number of classrooms is not enough to accept the number of matriculates year to year.  Even so, to fix this problem is necessary resources and they depend to the University of Chile, but we don’t get many resources. For this reasons, we can’t building new classrooms or buy technology for labs.  


  1. "leave everything for last minute" A classic! hahaha It's so necessary have more classroom

  2. More classrrooms, and space for students is really necessary! D:

  3. There are professors who believe they are gods >:c

  4. I agree with you respect of the point of the lenght of the studies. The lenght go on for more of five year

  5. For me that the practice and the memory are in the same year is horrible, in fourth year the ticket of memory and interview of practice is horrible!
