Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Postgraduate study em..

This is a very difficult theme for me, because I don’t have idea about my academic future. For this reason, all I will write in this post is only a possibility and is not sure to happen.

Well, maybe i study other career when I finish my studies about psychology but I don sure what kind of career or postgraduate course I can tanking in the future. The reasons for study other career are simples; I don’t like work in psychology, and I need found other job or occupation after study in the university. 
About the subjects, well, I like study any scientific, like chemistry or biology, because I was study engineer in the past, a mathematic career, and now I am study psychology, a social science, and I like complete the triangle with a full scientific career. 

I like study in Chile, but not in Santiago, I am really tired in the capital city and I like study in my natal region, the 8ª region of the Bio-Bio, most specific in Concepcion city. This city is one hour to my house in Coelemu and it is most relax and friendly who Santiago. 

The form to study is not important to me, but a blended system or part-time course is ideal to do other activities like to work in a part-time job for example.


  1. Take a postgraduate course is a very difficult decision, in my personal case for the money disponibility :/

  2. I`m also really tired about the city. I always think that I should study antropologhy in the Austral university in Valdivia. Good luck with your future projects!

  3. me too I dont like santiago. I like the south for the work, because is more calm and peaceful.

  4. i have a similar problem; i like the psychology, but i don't know if i wanna work like psychologist

  5. The decision is difficult for all of us u.u take it easy. Good luck c:

  6. It's a tougth decision, I hope take the right trake

  7. Is so difficult if you dont like your major :c

  8. well, is not easy but I think that in the future you will decide what is best for you
    you will know :)
