Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I hate summer!!!!!!!!!

In this summer I would like to go to the beach but not for swimming, I would like camp with my friends and drink very much beer all the night eeeeh!

Ok, this is my idea but probably I will sleep for 2 or 3 weeks and only get out my home for any party or buy food.

I am not planning study in summer, but I think this is necessary because I forget easily the content of the semester and I really need not forget because in my next year I need decide about someone psychology line to study or work in my future.

I would like running, but I prefer sleep, but I need running because I am fat.

I am only secure I to go to visit my family in the south, exactly in Coelemu city, because I hate Santiago and I would like stay without the noise, smog, busses, traffic, and everything about the capital city.

In general, I hate the summer; the sun, the light, the hot days, and everything about the summer, I only like the holydays in summer.

In this moment, i haven’t any activities in mind for the summer but when I stay with my friends we think in anything to do.
Finally, I hate the summer, i don’t like walk with the sun above my head, I hate everything.


  1. Why you do not swim? and me too think that you are fat xD

  2. jajajajajaja I am agree with the idea of "drink very much beer", the beer is the best. I don't hate the summer, but I undertand your feeling.

