Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Drugs

In my opinion, the alcohol and tobacco be drugs same at the cocaine or others, but the companies of tobacco or alcohol have a global market and too much influence in the economy. In this case the legalization of, for example, cannabis will be a problem for the tobacco industry and they find stopped this.

About the legalization of cannabis I think is good, because the cannabis is healthier what a cigarette. Obviously, if the cannabis is natural, don’t have a medical problem if you smoke that.
I smoked cannabis and the experience is very good, is relax and happy. I am asthmatic but I haven’t problems cause this and I was liked smoked when I have an exam or test. Sometimes, at the night, if I can’t sleep, I was smoked a little.

About the banning smoking areas, I think is a very good idea. I can’t stand in area with smoke and, in particular, the smoke of the cigars is really bad and dangerous for persons with respiratory problems, pregnant womans or childrens. For example, there are too many people addicted to tobacco and this lung cancer cause, but other persons will sick if inhaled the smoke of the smoker.


  1. Oh! You smoke when you are asthmatic... Great Idea!

  2. Hi Sebastián!

    I really liked your post! But above picture jajaja


  3. the smoke and the tobacco is only mercantilism


  4. the tocacco is a very controversial issue
