Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I hate summer!!!!!!!!!

In this summer I would like to go to the beach but not for swimming, I would like camp with my friends and drink very much beer all the night eeeeh!

Ok, this is my idea but probably I will sleep for 2 or 3 weeks and only get out my home for any party or buy food.

I am not planning study in summer, but I think this is necessary because I forget easily the content of the semester and I really need not forget because in my next year I need decide about someone psychology line to study or work in my future.

I would like running, but I prefer sleep, but I need running because I am fat.

I am only secure I to go to visit my family in the south, exactly in Coelemu city, because I hate Santiago and I would like stay without the noise, smog, busses, traffic, and everything about the capital city.

In general, I hate the summer; the sun, the light, the hot days, and everything about the summer, I only like the holydays in summer.

In this moment, i haven’t any activities in mind for the summer but when I stay with my friends we think in anything to do.
Finally, I hate the summer, i don’t like walk with the sun above my head, I hate everything.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

My Future Job D: ???

Hi guys, 

currently, I am study psychology in the University, but I don’t have idea if I like work in this area in the future. I like the psychology, but only the psychology theory and not the practice. For this reason, I think I don’t job in this. 

I don’t have idea what kind of job is good for me; I think I will find the perfect job to me when it comes.
I imagine a job with my friends or alone, honestly I hate work with persons in big groups and prefer work alone in home or with any friend but, definitely, I don’t like work with persons who I hate. Because of this, I think I job in a indoor job or something.

Would I travel in my job? Maybe. Despite of I like travel and know others spaces and persons, in the job is very different, because I can’t go where I liked to go and it is very boring for me. For example, I travel 6 or 7 hours to visit my family but, I will not travel same hours for busyness. 

The salary is important to me because I hope life alone and buy my home but I am not desperate for a big salary with millions dollars. 

I am feeling good with my career. I need think in my professional future but; so far so good.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My Favorite Movie has monsters!!!!

"to fight monster we created monsters"

My favorite movie is Pacific Rim. Pacific Rim is a science fiction movie directed by Guillermo del Toro in 2013. I like it because the argument is simple but effective for me. In the history of Pacific Rim, the humanity fight with the Kaijus, sea monster, and for this they builder a gigantic fighter robots. I like how the humans controlled the Jaeger (the robots), the mechanism and system is innovator and interesting, despite of the protagonist is a bad actor and the soundtrack is appropriate for the scenes. For the last, I really like the specials effects, the amor-plate of the robots, the skills and movements of the Kaijus in the fight. 

I see Pacific Rim first time in 2014, when I was search for sci- fi movies, my favorite genre, and I found the movie in Hd quality. I watched the film two times in one night because I was really absorbed in the history. Of course, I recommend this movie for all of you.

The most recent movie I see is Star Trek: Beyond, the third movie of the new saga of Star Trek. I like it, is a fun movie and don’t need watch the other movies of the saga for understand the storyline.  For this reason, I recommend this movie to pass the time, if you search a movie with good specials effects and simply storyline, you can enjoy this movie. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Drugs

In my opinion, the alcohol and tobacco be drugs same at the cocaine or others, but the companies of tobacco or alcohol have a global market and too much influence in the economy. In this case the legalization of, for example, cannabis will be a problem for the tobacco industry and they find stopped this.

About the legalization of cannabis I think is good, because the cannabis is healthier what a cigarette. Obviously, if the cannabis is natural, don’t have a medical problem if you smoke that.
I smoked cannabis and the experience is very good, is relax and happy. I am asthmatic but I haven’t problems cause this and I was liked smoked when I have an exam or test. Sometimes, at the night, if I can’t sleep, I was smoked a little.

About the banning smoking areas, I think is a very good idea. I can’t stand in area with smoke and, in particular, the smoke of the cigars is really bad and dangerous for persons with respiratory problems, pregnant womans or childrens. For example, there are too many people addicted to tobacco and this lung cancer cause, but other persons will sick if inhaled the smoke of the smoker.