Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The last post. My experience learning English.

My experience learning English at university is, in general, very bad. In my first year with lessons of English I was alone; don’t have friends and for this reason I was bored in class. I hate the obligation to go to class; I cannot study or take a nap, and the “windows” after the class was horrible. 

About the blogs, I think it is a very good tool to practice English, you can practice writing, reading and know others concepts. But my personal problem is with the themes to writing the blogs. Some themes don’t liked to me, for example: “place to visit” or “my future job” and don’t motivated me to write anything.

One aspect I need practice very much to perfect my English is the listening, because I don’t have the hearing for this language. My plan to practice this aspect is very simple; listen songs in English and with this I spend progress in Listening.

The true is, I don’t use the English in my day to day. Sometimes I use this language to play some video games or reading some papers but is not commonly in my life. Frequently, I need know about one word or concept, but for this cases I use the translate.

In my opinion, learning English today is very necessary to be a good professional, for this reason is a very good idea make some class to practice. The problem is not the language, is the subject, because the subject have boring rules or the teachers are bad (not in my case) but this conditions don’t foment the practice and the people only interested finish the subject. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Changes in my Faculty

Actually, the curriculum is in a change process, but i considerer this is not enough to build a good curriculum because the true problems is not tackle. The most important problem, to me, is the arrogance of some teachers and this not end with change the subjects, need change the people and the methods to teach. Even so, this is a good advanced and is a good idea while make seriously.
About the workload, i think this is ok. Is true, i sleep very little some weeks but it is my fault for not study on time or leave everything for last minute. In general, i considerer i do not have much workload in the semester. 

But the length of the studies is too much.  

This is a point they can change, in specific, the problem is not the length of the studies, is the organization a long of the semesters. We have the practice and the memory united in the same year and, for this, many people decide to do one of the two options; do a good practice or do a good memory but not doing all in only one year, and for this reason, take one year more to finish the career.

Other necessary change is build more classrooms, every year more students come to FACSO and the actually number of classrooms is not enough to accept the number of matriculates year to year.  Even so, to fix this problem is necessary resources and they depend to the University of Chile, but we don’t get many resources. For this reasons, we can’t building new classrooms or buy technology for labs.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Books for Books

Hello guys, today I write about interested books for me. 

My favorite book is the holy bible, because I am a fanatic about the religion histories and I am a good person. Ok, this is a big joke.

Actually, I don’t have a favorite book because I don’t read frequently, and only read about psychology themes in papers or review and any book in the university. These texts are really bored and I prefer books with legends or myths because is more interested and they make fly my imagination. 

Maybe, the most interest book I read is The Lord of the Rings, but i read this book when i was teen years old and I don’t remember exactly the history.  I liked this book because I liked the medieval history and the histories about warriors, soldiers, knights, kingdoms, magic, wizard, etc. 

I don’t have any favorite author, but I am interest in H.P Lovecraft. He was an author who created a biggest universe with goods, demons, and other mystic creatures. In addition, my favorite video games, Warcraft, is based on this world.

The last book I read is “The God Themselves”, a science fiction novel written by Isaac Asimov. In the history, he write about a multiverse with aliens and humans and relate about a conspiracy to destroy our sun and make infinite energy for the alien universe. 

Of course, I recommend this book for read.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Postgraduate study em..

This is a very difficult theme for me, because I don’t have idea about my academic future. For this reason, all I will write in this post is only a possibility and is not sure to happen.

Well, maybe i study other career when I finish my studies about psychology but I don sure what kind of career or postgraduate course I can tanking in the future. The reasons for study other career are simples; I don’t like work in psychology, and I need found other job or occupation after study in the university. 
About the subjects, well, I like study any scientific, like chemistry or biology, because I was study engineer in the past, a mathematic career, and now I am study psychology, a social science, and I like complete the triangle with a full scientific career. 

I like study in Chile, but not in Santiago, I am really tired in the capital city and I like study in my natal region, the 8ยช region of the Bio-Bio, most specific in Concepcion city. This city is one hour to my house in Coelemu and it is most relax and friendly who Santiago. 

The form to study is not important to me, but a blended system or part-time course is ideal to do other activities like to work in a part-time job for example.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I hate summer!!!!!!!!!

In this summer I would like to go to the beach but not for swimming, I would like camp with my friends and drink very much beer all the night eeeeh!

Ok, this is my idea but probably I will sleep for 2 or 3 weeks and only get out my home for any party or buy food.

I am not planning study in summer, but I think this is necessary because I forget easily the content of the semester and I really need not forget because in my next year I need decide about someone psychology line to study or work in my future.

I would like running, but I prefer sleep, but I need running because I am fat.

I am only secure I to go to visit my family in the south, exactly in Coelemu city, because I hate Santiago and I would like stay without the noise, smog, busses, traffic, and everything about the capital city.

In general, I hate the summer; the sun, the light, the hot days, and everything about the summer, I only like the holydays in summer.

In this moment, i haven’t any activities in mind for the summer but when I stay with my friends we think in anything to do.
Finally, I hate the summer, i don’t like walk with the sun above my head, I hate everything.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

My Future Job D: ???

Hi guys, 

currently, I am study psychology in the University, but I don’t have idea if I like work in this area in the future. I like the psychology, but only the psychology theory and not the practice. For this reason, I think I don’t job in this. 

I don’t have idea what kind of job is good for me; I think I will find the perfect job to me when it comes.
I imagine a job with my friends or alone, honestly I hate work with persons in big groups and prefer work alone in home or with any friend but, definitely, I don’t like work with persons who I hate. Because of this, I think I job in a indoor job or something.

Would I travel in my job? Maybe. Despite of I like travel and know others spaces and persons, in the job is very different, because I can’t go where I liked to go and it is very boring for me. For example, I travel 6 or 7 hours to visit my family but, I will not travel same hours for busyness. 

The salary is important to me because I hope life alone and buy my home but I am not desperate for a big salary with millions dollars. 

I am feeling good with my career. I need think in my professional future but; so far so good.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

My Favorite Movie has monsters!!!!

"to fight monster we created monsters"

My favorite movie is Pacific Rim. Pacific Rim is a science fiction movie directed by Guillermo del Toro in 2013. I like it because the argument is simple but effective for me. In the history of Pacific Rim, the humanity fight with the Kaijus, sea monster, and for this they builder a gigantic fighter robots. I like how the humans controlled the Jaeger (the robots), the mechanism and system is innovator and interesting, despite of the protagonist is a bad actor and the soundtrack is appropriate for the scenes. For the last, I really like the specials effects, the amor-plate of the robots, the skills and movements of the Kaijus in the fight. 

I see Pacific Rim first time in 2014, when I was search for sci- fi movies, my favorite genre, and I found the movie in Hd quality. I watched the film two times in one night because I was really absorbed in the history. Of course, I recommend this movie for all of you.

The most recent movie I see is Star Trek: Beyond, the third movie of the new saga of Star Trek. I like it, is a fun movie and don’t need watch the other movies of the saga for understand the storyline.  For this reason, I recommend this movie to pass the time, if you search a movie with good specials effects and simply storyline, you can enjoy this movie. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Drugs

In my opinion, the alcohol and tobacco be drugs same at the cocaine or others, but the companies of tobacco or alcohol have a global market and too much influence in the economy. In this case the legalization of, for example, cannabis will be a problem for the tobacco industry and they find stopped this.

About the legalization of cannabis I think is good, because the cannabis is healthier what a cigarette. Obviously, if the cannabis is natural, don’t have a medical problem if you smoke that.
I smoked cannabis and the experience is very good, is relax and happy. I am asthmatic but I haven’t problems cause this and I was liked smoked when I have an exam or test. Sometimes, at the night, if I can’t sleep, I was smoked a little.

About the banning smoking areas, I think is a very good idea. I can’t stand in area with smoke and, in particular, the smoke of the cigars is really bad and dangerous for persons with respiratory problems, pregnant womans or childrens. For example, there are too many people addicted to tobacco and this lung cancer cause, but other persons will sick if inhaled the smoke of the smoker.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The best concert in my life!

Ready to rock!!!!!!!!!!!

The best, and only, concert i can go was in the 2016 in Santiago, Chile. With my friends, we travel to eight hours to see a Iron Maiden in the Estadio Nacional, but "worth it".

Iron Maiden is a british Heavy metal band, was founded in 1975 for Steve Harris. Actualy, is the most important heavy metal band in the world with more of 90.000.000 discos sellers. In 2016, "La doncella de Hierro" was come to Chile in the tour "The book of Souls" to promote her new disc with the same name.

In the event, we were push away to the front of the stage but this become into a very good experience because we can see the show very good. The big problem was the air. No one can breathe good, and many people fainted.

Of course, we were very exalted and we were jumping and singing for more of the two hours. Even, we were played into the mosh.

At the end, we were go home totally useless.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

People's Republic of China

The Great Wall of China in the night

I would like to travel to China.

The Republic of China is the country with most people in the world, with more of 1.300.000.000 people and one of the economy most great in the world.

I want to go to China because is a oriental country with a one of the oldest civilizations in the world. China is a very technological country and combines this with a ancient cultural tradition. Chinese culture is very rich, with four or five thousand years of history is a wonderful place for meet its calligraphy, architecture, painting and, of course, Chinese people.

I wouldn´t like to study in China. Education is very good, with a high level of teachers and content, but is a very hard educative system with many test to study in the university and honestly, i think not give up in this system. I just want to learn and explore Chinese but not stay to live. The cites are very stressful and work in is very complicated for hours workday. In fact, is a country with more suicide rates in the world.